
Concept of geomorphology

Basically, geomorphology is the study of the landscape.
Geomorphology entails the systematic description of landforms, the analysis of the processes that form them, as well as understanding the function landforms and their response to changes in energy. Now, let;s divide the word for just one second so that we can understand this concept a little better.

Difference between landscape and landform

A landform is a physical feature, one of the features that form the Earth. Together a group of landforms are called landscape.

Exogenic processes that form landscape
Are produced by external forces of the planet , such as weathering and erosion
Landscape is a mountainous terrain the combined effect of numerous landforms. A landform is an individual feature (slope, valley or mountain or other). Geomorphology draws upon all fields of geologycraters and large impact structures.

Extragenic processes that form landscape

Extragenic processes produce landforms after outer space impacts, such as meteors. It could produce massive extinctions.

Endogenic processes that form landscape

Are produced by internal forces of the Earth like volcanism and diastrophism.

1 example of landforms

Volcano: An opening in the earth´s surface throught which steam, ashes, and lava are forced out

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