Major landforms of North America

Alaska Range
The Alaska Range, are mountains located in the south- central part of Alaska. It extends from the Alaska Peninsula, to Yukon Territory in Canada. The Mount McKinley, which is the highest point in North America, it is located here with 6, 194 m high. 

Appalachian Mountains
 The Appalachian Mountains are located in Central Alabama (United States), they go through New England and New Brunswick. Also they go through Newfoundland and Quebec in Canada. One of their characteristics is that they are low mountains. Some mounts like: The Blue Ridge, the Piedmont and the White Mounts are here, but the highest point is the Mount Mitchell in North Carolina with 2,037 m high. .  This Appalachian Mountains are considerate very important for our planet. The Appalachian Mountains have more than 1500 miles long.     

Brooks Range
 The Brooks Range are mountains located in the northern Alaska. It snows almost the whole year.  The Brooks Range extends about 600 miles The highest point in the Brooks Range is the Mount Isto with 2.760 m high.  The mountains of the Brooks Range have a rocky surface. These mountains where named by the geologist Alfred Brooks. Here you can find many animals like: the polar bear, the caribou, the ox, wolves, and wolverines.  

Canadian Shield
The Canadian Shield is located in the eastern and northern part of Canada, and also in the Great Lakes of North America. This zone has rough and rocky surfaces. The forests are also characteristics of the Canadian Shield. The northern part of the Canadian Shield is in the Arctic Circle is composed by frozen tundra. The Mount d’berville is the highest point here with 500m. Some animals that are found in the Canadian Shield are:  moose, black and grizzly bears, wolves, foxes, beavers, caribous and hares. 

Cascades: The Cascades is a mountain range that crosses California: Oregon, Washington and Columbia in Canada. The highest point here is the Mount Rainier with 4, 392 m. It includes volcanic mountains also. It is the biggest range in western North America.

Coast Range
 The Coast Range is located in near the coast of California, Oregon and Washington. It also extends in British Columbia in Canada and in southern Alaska going to Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak Island. It has glaciers. The San Francisco Bay is the most important land form.
Coastal Plain
The Coastal Plain  is part of the southern and southeast part of the United States. One characteristic is the flat land and also forests.  The most important part is the Mississippi River.

Great Plains
 The Great Plains of east North America extend until Canadian Shield, and western part of the Appalachian Mountains. This part of North America has many landforms like: valleys and rivers. The land is mostly smooth and with big treeless areas. The low mountains of the  Great Plains are located in Missouri. The mayor land form is the Mount Rushmore.

Rocky Mountains
 The Rocky Mountains is a very long range the extends from the Mexico Frontier, to western United States and it continues until Canada and Alaska it has 2,000 miles in length. In the entire path it has about 100 ranges.  The highest point is the Mount Elbert in southwest Colorado with 4,399 m. 

Sierra Nevada
 The Sierra Nevada is located in California.  It has 400 miles in length. The most high parts are located in the west slope. The highest point is Mount Whitney with 4,418 meters.

Sierra Madres
Sierra Madres: The Sierra Madres is located in Mexico near the Pacific Ocean with peaks of 3, 034 m. The Sierra Madres is confirmed by two ranges one bigger than the other. In the Gulf of Mexico there are few peaks of 3,034 m. The southern part Sierra Madres is located in the provinces of Guerrero and Oaxaca. The most important landform is the Cerro Potosí.     

Sources used to write the post
Bustos,J. ( 2011).  Social Studies Seventh Grade. San Jose: Costa Rica.